Sunday 8 January 2017

Health and safety

During filming we all took health and safety very strongly before we started anything. Some of these included making sure there was no tripping hazards.
Some of the things that we did are as follows:

  • Tripods - Every time we as a group went out to film in the public or in the school domain, we always, made sure that the tripod wasn't dangerous to anyone. By this I mean that we all made sure that the tripod wasn't able to be tripped over or hit anybody when being moved. 
  •   When we were deciding where to film our scenes, we all decided to only go where we though it would be safe to film. This was vital because we didn't want to have any injuries caused on set or in filming. When we chose the locations based on safety, we made sure when we got their we stuck to protocol and made sure people could easily get round us if they needed to and that they would also not be put at harm by our filming equipment. This also included us.
  • Slipping - When on set sometimes it was slippery. To stop this as a hazard and risk to our safety, we all made sure that everybody working on set would be wearing sensible footwear/shoes. This was taken in mind when we came to thinking about the mise-en-scene department of pre-production.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Work in progress 2 - Alex

As of now we have created our opening sequence and put it on this blog and YouTube at KLAJ Productions. This means that it is open to both the moderators and the public. This will allow us to get feedback from the public and others that watch it which will furthermore allow us to improve where we are able to.

When we are able to improve the opening sequence, we will look vastly and vigorously through the comment if there is any to see what the public have said they think we should improve. This will allow us to achieve a better grade at the end of the course but it will also extend our explanation and also understanding of the film industry.